Thursday, April 8, 2010

Signed Up

I'm starting this running journal as I am about to start a running class that is taught by a friend who is an accomplished runner. I am not a runner. I jog 11 minute miles. I sign up for races and then dread them because the anxiety of an up-coming race will force me to jog a few times a week so I can make it to the finish line without walking much or dropping out.

I want to call myself a "runner," so I've set a few goals for myself as the class is about to begin. First, I want to run 10 minute miles. Second, I want to be a stronger runner not the one who can't catch her breathe. If I can accomplish these two goals, I think I will look forward to races.

The class meets once per week and begins Monday, April 12th. I'm signed up. I paid the fee. I'm committted.

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